Paul Kiel gets hold of internal documents that show Ally (ProPublica refers to it throughout as GMAC for some reason) wanted to foreclose on a mortgage originated by Ameriquest, but couldn’t find the paperwork showing that it really owned the loan. So it just made one up"
Pointless rants, misspellings, and typos tossed into the void of the net, . . . vanity, vanity, all is vanity, . . . your home for poorly written Liberal harangues since February 2009, . . . caveat lector, . . . rants are easy, grammar is hard.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Major nPR Underwriter's criminal behavior.
Paul Kiel gets hold of internal documents that show Ally (ProPublica refers to it throughout as GMAC for some reason) wanted to foreclose on a mortgage originated by Ameriquest, but couldn’t find the paperwork showing that it really owned the loan. So it just made one up"
A reminder, . . .

"I have commented here before that one of the questions frequently asked of me as CPB's Ombudsman is why NPR allows Juan Williams and Mara Liaison to appear regularly on Fox News. I have never had a good answer for that, but always believed that the credibility they bring to Fox was acquired and paid for by the regular reporting and research they do for NPR."
Same As It Ever was, . . .

"NPR misrepresented the nature of the crisis in a comment introducing a Morning Edition segment on the pending default of Jefferson County, Alabama. It referred to the country suffering a debt crisis. This is not accurate.The problem is one of Congress refusing to raise the debt ceiling. This would be comparable to someone losing their checkbook even if they had still had $20,000 in their account. They may face a problem getting money out of their account until they get more checks (or learn on-line banking), but there is no problem of a lack of a funds."
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Well, that didn't take very long, less than 24 hours.

The Deficit is Obama's Fault
"a Bloomberg News analysis shows, these initiatives added $3.4 trillion to the nation’s accumulated debt and to its current annual budget deficit of $1.5 trillion. [...]There’s plenty of blame to go around,” for the debt, said Robert Bixby, executive director of the Concord Coalition, an Arlington, Virginia-based group that advocates for balanced budgets. “If there had been no Barack Obama, we would still be bumping up against the debt limit."
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Birthers and bigots and crooks - Oh My!

SC Tea Party Leaders Arrested For Selling Pirated Computer Software | TPMMuckraker
"A Tea Party (or Tea P-Arrrrrr!-ty) leader in South Carolina was arrested Tuesday for allegedly selling pirated versions of Microsoft software, Photoshop, and the Rosetta Stone language programs.Anthony and Michael Trinca, 61 and 23 respectively, were arrested after a witness claimed that in May he purchased six copies of Rosetta Stone from Anthony Trinca through Craigslist for $125 each, but then discovered they were fake when tried to resell two of them. After refunding his own customers, the victim said he tried to get his money back from Trinca, who refused."
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Uncover fraud by banks, get fired, . . .
Former nPR Ombudsman waits until she left nPR to do her job.

Over at nPR's former (not an)Ombudsman, Alicia Shepard, writes about her former emplyer: Former NPR Ombud fact checks new Juan Williams book, ‘Muzzled’ | Poynter.: "NPR selectively used its ethics code with him."
"Sometimes I was told that because he was a contractor, NPR’s ethics code didn’t apply. Other times, I was told he had more leeway with the ethics code because he was a senior news analyst.""NPR selectively used its ethics code with him. "
Monday, July 25, 2011
Yum, . . .
Got Enhanced Meat? USDA Rule May Make It Easier To Tell : Shots - Health Blog : NPR
Texas Brawl: Pickens The Swift Boater vs Koch Brother Birchers

As reported by Politico:
"An increasingly bitter personal rift between billionaires T. Boone Pickens and Charles and David Koch has morphed into an expensive political battle that is testing the commitment of House Republicans to the tea party principles many of them have publicly embraced.
The fight centers on legislation backed by Pickens that would grant tax breaks to the natural gas industry, and it is forcing Republican members to choose sides between a traditionally GOP-allied industry and the free-market purism of many conservatives."
T. Boone Pickens-Koch brothers feud tests Republican principles - Kenneth P. Vogel -
Best Description of FOX News ever, . . .
"Fox’s failure to report – and allow viewers to decide – speaks volumes and offers definitive answer to the question of what Fox is.It is the nation’s leading manufacturer of false outrage and fake fury – War on Christmas! War on Christmas! – the top supplier of bogeymen for those who need to feel terrorized in order to feel alive.
It is America’s No. 1 distributor of misinformation – Hide Nana! The death panels are coming! – a warehouse of conspiracy theories, junk history and dubious “facts” given credit by virtually no one who does not watch Fox.
It is a noisemaker, a box of cacophony from which reason will seldom emerge unscathed. And it is a bovine excreta machine.
But a news organization? No. That is a designation you have to earn."
Who would have guessed, . . .

"In the latest twist in a long-running New York story, publisher Judith Regan says she was pressured to lie about former lover Bernard Kerik (the former police commissioner) by executives at News Corp. — the owner of Fox News and the HarperCollins publishing house — who are intent on protecting the political viability of former mayor Rudolph Giuliani."
"Kerik was indicted this month on criminal federal charges of conspiracy, tax fraud and making false statements. The story raises questions about Giuliani's judgment when it comes to his calling card, national security. But it's also a headache for Fox News and NewsCorp. A NewsCorp spokeswoman did not return messages seeking comment."Publisher Regan Says News Corp. Urged Her to Lie : NPR
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Heh, . . .
"When was the last time you heard anything except the most pedestrian conventional wisdom issue from Juan Williams? He shouldn't have been fired from NPR because he said something impolitic. I do think he should have been offered the chance to quit Fox or quit NPR. But, I also have no idea why he was hired in the first place and paid for all those years when his commentary is so stale and boring. And, why would anyone buy his book?"
Juan Williams: Muzzle Him Some More | National Catholic Reporter: "It was a mistake for NPR to fire Juan Williams because of something he said while serving as a commentator on Fox News. It was a bigger mistake to hire Williams in the first place."
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Don't you wish your Congressman sucked like mine?

House Republicans Look To Privatize Social Security
Republican leaders left Social Security untouched in their House budget this year, but a group of GOP lawmakers are looking to fill the gap themselves with legislation that would create a voluntary privatized version of the program.
Introduced by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), who also chairs the House's campaign efforts at the NRCC, the "Savings Account For Every American Act" would allow people to immediately opt out of Social Security in favor of a private "S.A.F.E." account. Eventually the program would expand to let employers send their matching contribution to workers' Social Security to a "S.A.F.E." account as well.
No Comment
"Texas Republican Senator Pete Sessions is seperating from his wife after 27 years.
The 56-year-old member of the House Republican leadership issued a statement saying that he and his wife, Juanita, decided to separate after much thought and discussion.
He said: 'After a great deal of thought and discussion, a decision has been made that my wife and I are separating.
'I am grateful for many years of marriage, and the blessing of two wonderful sons.
'I ask for respect for my privacy and for that of my family, and I do not intend to comment any further.'"