"I Listened to NPR before it gave up on journalism"
"I Listened to NPR before it called torture harsh interrogation"
"I Listened to NPR before it reporters' salaries placed them in the 1%"
"I Listened to NPR before it stopped reporting on human rights violations"
"I Listened to NPR before it just recited GOP talking points"
"I Listened to NPR before it black listed Elizabeth Warren"
"I Listend to NPR before it called dead civillians suspected terrorists"
"I Listened to NPR before Mara Liason started working at FOXnews full time"
" I Listened to NPR before it fell in love with drones"
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It's my playground, just like Tuna, Texas "Don't like it here?"
I've got a life so approval may take a day or two.
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